Renewables Infrastructure

Renewables Infrastructure

A Better Way To Own The Future

<b>Declining Cost</b> of<br />
Renewable Powers

Declining Cost of
Renewable Power

Global <b>Decarbonization</b> Initiatives

Global Decarbonization Initiatives

Multi-Decade Green <b>Investment Opportunity</b>

Multi-Decade Green Investment Opportunity

Investment Highlights

Global Megatrend

Global Megatrend

The growth rate in global renewable power consumption is increasingly rapidly, driven by the declining costs of renewable power paired with increasing efforts at global decarbonization.
Policy Tailwinds

Policy Tailwinds

Over 130 countries have or are implementing net-zero emissions targets by 2050. The 2022 U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has placed the U.S. at the forefront of these efforts.
Long Term Growth

Long Term Growth

According to the EIA, global energy consumption is projected to increase 40% by 2050. Over the same period, the proportion of renewables in the global energy mix is expected to nearly double, leading to a forecasted growth of 137% in overall renewables consumption.

Current Income

Renewables Infrastructure companies generate cash flow from long term power purchase agreements (PPAs). That cash flow is paid quarterly to investors, providing significant portfolio income.

Lower Volatility

Invest in the Energy Transition with lower volatility than other Renewables investments, which often invest in pre-revenue, more speculative companies. Investing in mature companies with real cash flows can reduce volatility.

Better Risk Adjusted Returns

The reliance on mature companies with stable cash flows has resulted in better risk-adjusted returns to investors. Add income and stability while participating in the Clean Energy Megatrend.

Investment Optionss

Investment Options

Investors can harness the power of Renewables Infrastructure either by investing in a separately managed account program (SMA), or through an actively managed exchange traded fund (ETF).

The Eagle Edge



Our dedicated investment team has been investing in energy infrastructure since 2003. We began investing in the fledgling renewables infrastructure category in 2015. We authored the first of its kind Renewables Infrastructure Index (RENEW) and launched our first dedicated renewables investment strategy in 2017.
Learn About RENEW


With more than two decades dedicated to investing in energy infrastructure, we have cultivated a wealth of knowledge and expertise in understanding the intricate workings of cash flow generation and distribution within infrastructure companies. This insight plays a crucial role in effectively evaluating the rapidly-evolving landscape of energy production, energy consumption, and the key role played by energy transmission.

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